Use our Price Estimator Tool
For human readable estimates, please visit the Billing and Price Estimation section of this website to view self-pay estimates or estimates based on your insurance coverage.
Select Your State
For a comprehensive machine-readable digital file containing the following standard charges, please select your state below. The machine-readable file is in XML format as mandated by CMS and may not be easily readable. For more consumer-friendly estimate of charges, please visit our Price Estimator Tool above.
Prices effective as of 1/1/2021
- Florida
*To download, right click "Download" link and then click "Save as."
AdventHealth Altamonte Springs
AdventHealth Apopka
AdventHealth Carrollwood
AdventHealth Celebration
AdventHealth Connerton
AdventHealth Dade City
AdventHealth Daytona Beach
AdventHealth DeLand
AdventHealth East Orlando
AdventHealth Fish Memorial
AdventHealth for Children
AdventHealth Heart of Florida
AdventHealth Kissimmee
AdventHealth Lake Placid
AdventHealth Lake Wales
AdventHealth New Smyrna Beach
AdventHealth North Pinellas
AdventHealth Ocala
AdventHealth Orlando
AdventHealth Palm Coast
AdventHealth Sebring
AdventHealth Tampa
AdventHealth Waterman
AdventHealth Wauchula
AdventHealth Wesley Chapel
AdventHealth Winter Garden
AdventHealth Winter Park
AdventHealth Zephryhills
- Georgia
*To download, right click "Download" link and then click "Save as."
AdventHealth Gordon
AdventHealth Murray
- Kansas
*To download, right click "Download" link and then click "Save as."
AdventHealth Lenexa
AdventHealth Ottawa
AdventHealth Shawnee Mission
AdventHealth South Overland Park
- Kentucky
*To download, right click "Download" link and then click "Save as."
AdventHealth Manchester
- North Carolina
*To download, right click "Download" link and then click "Save as."
AdventHealth Hendersonville
- Texas
*To download, right click "Download" link and then click "Save as."
AdventHealth Central Texas
AdventHealth Rollins Brook
Texas Health Hospital Mansfield
Texas Health Huguley Hospital
- Wisconsin
*To download, right click "Download" link and then click "Save as."
AdventHealth Durand